Just like the Lions, Bunche has some MVPs who were rocking at Math Games! in 3rd grade this afternoon.

Bunche families check out all the activities for October #whyecorse

The Scholastic Bookfair is still open to the students Thursday and Friday for purchases. Feel free to stop on in if you'd like to shop also.

Bunche's Open House was awesome. The winners for the raffle - a $25 Kroger gift card were:
Ms. Barbara Thomas (Chelsea Kendall)
Ms. Shanique McQueen (Jayla Reed)
Mr. Ramon Ramirez (Esperanza Ramirez)
Ms. Audrey Coleman (Angela Carter)
You can pick up cards in the office.

Our Bunche Bucks! weekly rewards program started so let's encourage every student to show extra outstanding behavior and they too could have a chance to participate in a fun activity.

Just a reminder that Bunche students will be released tomorrow Sept 20th at 11:15am

Every think about a career in education AND working in your community? Check out Michigan Education Corps and possibly work at Bunche!

Our 1st day back at Bunche was amazing! We are all set to have a wonderful year of academic growth and adventure!

PreK-4th Grade
Full Time 2023-2024 School Year

We're almost to the end of this year's PBIS store and students still have time to earn those positive behavior points. Keep working at your great behavior students!

Happy Principal's Day Mrs. Williams. The staff and students of Bunche love you!

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Ecorse Public
Schools! It's everything Ecorse Public Schools, in your
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3D4WOML
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3kATu5Y

Spring ahead March 12, 2023

Introducing ECORSE PUBLIC SCHOOL's new mobile app! Please share!

March is Women's History Month! ~~ Marzo es el dia historico de la mujer
Join us to celebrate this month the countless women who made an impact in this world, especially those who proudly support and teach our students in our district every day!
¡Únase a nosotros para celebrar este mes a las innumerables mujeres que tuvieron un impacto en este mundo, pero más importante aún, aquellas que apoyan y enseñan a nuestros estudiantes todos los días!